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$10./$100. Americana Series (New Voice B/C 1992) 8 Different Cards

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SKU   Mfg   Issued   Price

23536   AVX   20000   $95.00

$10./$100. Americana Series (New Voice B/C 1992) 8 Different Cards

Capitol Building: Wash, D.C. ('New Voice') B/C 1992 Purplish Sky    Fireworks Over Washington DC ('New Voice') Screaming Eagle B/C 1992    $10./$100. Lincoln Memorial (New Voice, B/C, 1992) White Face   

$10./$100. Mount Rushmore ('New Voice') Very Light Blue Sky. B/C 1992    Autumn Trees: Fall In New England: New Voice Screaming Eagle B/C 1992    $10./$100. Ocean Sunset: With 'New Voice', B/C 1992. Whiter Water   

$10./$100. Statue of Liberty : (New Voice, B/C 1992) Brown Stripe    $10./$100. Washington Monument (New Voice, B/C 1992) Regular Blue Sky   

setof, sightseeing, bald eagles, USa maps, American flags, stars & stripes, Americana, National Monuments, National Memorials, American landmarks, historical landmarks, historical sights, scenic set, AmeriVox
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